Sunday, March 31, 2013

My First 5K! A Colorful and Fun Time!!

I've been working hard at losing weight. I'm very proud of myself not only for dropping pounds, but also for improving my overall fitness level. When I started my journey the beginning of January, I was unable to walk a mile slowly without being out of breath. No really, I was suckin'! Here it is, the end of March, and I completed my very first 5K yesterday!

How in the world did this milestone occur? I have to give a lot of credit to my awesome friend, Lauren, who contacted me asking if I would be interested in signing up to the 5K Color Run/Walk with her. The kids were also really excited so we eagerly agreed!

Every day leading up to the 5K, I was excited and "ready." Then Friday evening, my doubts and insecurities reared their ugly heads at me. "What if I can't finish?" "What if I'm not ready?" And the biggest one: "How am I going to handle being around all those strangers?" See, I have anxiety disorder. A horrible case of it actually. I am "supposed" to be on medication for it, but I've chosen to deal with my life drug free. Anyone who knows me, knows it is a very rare thing for me to go out in public by myself. I'm prone to awful panic attacks...not a fun time for me at all.

I do not like large groups of people I do not know. I'm uncomfortable and nervous, even with people I know at my side. Despite my anxiety building, my confidence wavering, Jose and I packed up the kids and head out to meet Lauren.

Getting Ready to Start the Event

The event started and Lauren, the kids and I were the last to start. (We got preoccupied playing with our packets of chalk paint and dusting each other!) We got ourselves together, and off we went! Together, we ran the first 1K straight through! We were feeling pretty awesome! The rest of the course went smoothly, and we alternated between running and walking the rest. We ran about 1/2 the course and walked 1/2 and even finished before a few other people!

We were covered in colored chalk paint. At each 1K mark, we were sprayed with the powdered color, and at a couple of the color points I actually had my mouth open, so even my tongue was died blue! We laughed, we took pics along the way, we enjoyed the color and most of all, we finished happy and proud!

The Kids and I After Finishing!

Of course it is the day after the raise today, and despite showering twice since the race, my scalp is still partially died blue, and I have some greenish blue coloring in other places. Ironically, it has taken on the "healing bruise green" color!! Not very pretty, but a temporary reminder of all the fun we had yesterday.

Our Awesome Group! Yes, even the baby went did the 5K!

Lauren and I are already looking forward to our next 5K adventure, which will be the Zombies 5K in October. My goal? I want to run the whole 5K. And you now what? I believe by then I will totally be able to run from those Zoms!!


  1. Congrats on the 5K. Perfect that your covered in green chalk because while you may not be a hulk you certainly are "Incredible" :p LOL. Good luck on running the full 5K in October!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment! It made me smile!

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun! I'm so proud that you pushed through all the nagging fearful thoughts and did it!! Good for you :)
