Thursday, April 11, 2013

30 Day Squat Challenge! Who's With Me?!

My friend posted about the 30 day squat challenge on her Facebook page today and I just had to jump on board! It's free, it can be done anywhere and they can be done using just your own body weight, so no special equipment required! What could possibly be better than than you ask? Well...let's find out!

Squats work your lower body muscles. Your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves will all benefit from squat work. Let's face it, those lower body muscles are important for daily living! Sitting down, standing up, walking, jumping, so many activities involve your lower body so it only makes sense that those muscles get an equal share in your training! Oh...and I've "heard" that squats will make your butt look fantastic! is the challenge:

If you are not familiar with doing body weight squats, you can search youtube for instructional videos. You can also read this Fit Day Article for instructions.

I had my husband snap a pic before embarking on my 30 Day Squat Challenge. I plan on having a photo taken on day 15 and then a final one on day 30. I'm VERY interested in seeing what, if any, changes there are. Here I go, nervously sharing my "before" pic:

Yes, it is sideways, and for some reason it won't post the correct way!

Whew! I'm pretty embarrassed posting that pic! But you know what? I'm making progress and I will be able to look back at this picture and think of how far I have come to get to this point, and how far I will have gone beyond it!

With that, I will end this post and get in my 50 squats!

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