Sunday, August 25, 2013

30 Day Dumbbell Challenge: Day 1

I have really been slacking in my strength training. In fact, you might as well say strength training has been non existent in my workouts. It's not because I don't want to do it, I actually really do. But for some reason my sole focus has been on the cardio aspect and I have greatly neglected the strength training I know I should be doing.

So today I began day 1 on the 30 Day Dumbbell Challenge. I am following the routines posted here, 30 Day Dumbbell Challenge. (Thank you for being a great reference and allowing me to get back on track!)

Day 1 focuses on arms, shoulders, chest and abs. It consists of six different exercises and utilizes an exercise ball as a bench stand in. This works great for me, since I do not have access to a bench but do have my ball. (Make sure to purchase the correct size ball for your height.)

Today's workout consisted of the following:
  • 12 reps of Biceps Curl 
  • 12 reps Triceps Kickback, both sides (ball acts as bench)
  • 12 reps of Bench Press (ball acts as bench)
  • 12 reps of Kneeling One Arm Row, both sides (ball acts as bench)
  • 12 reps of Lateral Raise 
  • 12 reps of Dumbbell side bend

  • I have been out of practice for quite a few years, so I am starting with 8 pounds weights. I did these exercises straight through without a break, then took a 4 minute break and followed with a second set of the same exercises. My arms were shaking and I did find it difficult but I pushed through it. I do have to say that I "wonder" if I could have pushed myself and got it done with 10 pound weights. I will use them on the next arm, shoulder, ab day.

    You may be wondering where the abs come in on this workout routine. If you have never used an exercise ball, you are in for a big surprise! In order to stay stable on the ball and keep from falling off, you will need to engage your abs and core. I also keep my abs tightened while doing the exercises that don't utilize the ball, so there is a bit of ab work there as well.

    Here are my starting measurements, taken 25 August 2013.
    Left Arm: 14.5 inches
    Right Arm: 14.75 inches
    Chest: 37 inches
    Waist: 37.5 inches
    Hips: 43.5 inches
    Left Thigh: 26 inches
    Right Thigh: 26.5 inches
    Left Calf: 16 inches
    Right Calf: 16.5 inches

    I also did 4.6 miles of walking/running today, so I am still getting in my cardio. I will check in tomorrow with how I feel after today!

    From Fat to Fit!!!

    Saturday, May 11, 2013

    Just a Little Happy Update! :)

    It's been a few days since I've updated, so I thought I'd share a few things with you! First, I wanted to share that I did get my 30 pound and 40 pound loss beads for my reward bracelet! So, here is a pic to show you how my bracelet is coming along:

    Each bead represents 10 pounds loss and each one has a special meaning. If you haven't read my earlier post about my bracelet, the idea actually came from a fellow 3 Fat Chicks forum member! From right to left my beads represent:
    • Square with pink panel (10 pounds): Says "Proud Mom" for my two kids!
    • Green with pink flowers (20 pounds): For our new life together living in the country!
    • Horse Shoe: (30 pounds): This is because at 30 pounds of loss I went horse back riding again!
    • Run: (40 pounds): To look at and remind myself that I AM a runner for the 1st time in my life!
    • (There are 2 plain spacer beads on this as well, that do not have any meaning whatsoever.)
    Speaking of being a runner, I just had to share this photo with you:

    From left to right: Me, my friend Hope, and my new friend Courtney! We all met up at the track yesterday for a nice workout! I enjoyed every minute of it, and can't wait to meet these awesome ladies at the track again!

    How I met Courtney is actually an awesome story that I just had to share! She and I are both members of the same forum and I had posted about my concern over buying a gown for an upcoming military ball. She shared she had a similar concern and her ball was also in June. Long story short, we found out our husbands are stationed at the same post and we will be attending the same ball! This in itself was very exciting!

    Then as fate would have it, we ended up attending the same Military Spouse Appreciation event and she wound up my table!! One look  at my name tag had her asking my last name and well...the rest is history!! I'm super excited to have met her, and we look forward to doing amazing things!
    Me and Courtney

    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    120 Days (Four Months!) Into My New Life!

    It's hard to believe it's been 4 months!! I started my weight loss journey (yet again) on 1 January 2013. So much has happened! So much has changed! It's all very exciting indeed!

    In January/Early February, walking much of a distance was so hard on me. It was depressing, hard, and I hated it. Breathing was so hard, I thought I'd hyperventilate and pass out! I was so slow, tortoises were passing me at their SLOWEST pace! :) Now, I am running up to 3.2 miles and am amazed! This is probably my proudest accomplishment!
    My 120 Day Anniversary Run Stats!

    Wait...what? My proudest accomplishment isn't losing 38 pounds in 4 months? While I am very happy with my weight loss and very proud to have done so well, I have to say my ability to run for the first time in my life is higher on my pride scale than the weight loss.

    I'm also moving right along with my 30 Day Squat Challenge. Today was day 21 and I did 180 squats! I'm pretty proud of myself! It is getting harder and harder to get through these. I'm in the home stretch now, three weeks of squats are behind me!

    Some important changes I have noticed are things like my mood is much lifted. I'm happier, more optimistic. While I do have a down day here and there, it is nothing like having weeks of down days in a row. In fact, my demeanor is so much improved, people have commented on how much brighter my spirits are. If my friend lived nearby, she probably would have read my aura and shook her head a few months ago. I'm sure my aura is much healthier now! Aside from the mood, I have much more energy, and I WANT to be moving! How great it is that moving finally feels good and I want to do it!

    I've had several friends tell me they are motivated to get healthy watching me get healthy. I am part of a ladies gym group that meets to work out once a week. I took a Zumba class and while I looked like crazy freak, I HAD FUN! (And sweat doing it!) I'm eating healthier. I kicked my soda addiction. I've taken up hula hooping. I've lost inches and clothing sizes. My shoe size has went down...twice!
    No, I know I looked like Ace Ventura in a Tutu!
    (From Google Images)

    This journey has been filled with heart ache, physical pain, joy, successes, and perseverance. I am not only shedding the physical weight, but shedding the emotional walls I've had up for so long. I'm doing things that just a few short months ago, would have filled me with dread.

    And I'm loving this new life!

    Tuesday, April 30, 2013

    May is Here and I Have New Goals to Meet!

    It's hard to believe that May is here already! It's crazy how fast this year is flying by! (Or maybe I'm the only one that feels that way?!) I have decided to really kick it into high gear this month to meet some fitness goals I have set for myself. I have also decided to "try" not to focus on the scale so much this month. I'm obsessed with my losses and when I don't lose I get disappointed EVEN when I know my body is changing. Hey, I'm being honest here!

    So my May goals to meet are set. They are:
    1. Finish the 30 Day Squat Challenge I started in April...I have a few days left, so here I go!
    2. Start and finish the May Plank Challenge. Should be interesting and challenging for me!
    3. I want to run/walk 60 miles in May. I have fallen short March and April...I will meet it this month!
    4. I am going to get serious about my strength training. I keep falling off the wagon on this one.
    5. I'm going to get to where I can hula hoop at least 10 minutes straight through without dropping the hoop! This is probably going to be the most challenging goal of all to meet!!

    I plan on putting together my strength training routine in the morning. I will be sharing it on my blog so y'all can use it as a starting point for your own routines. I have a BIG goal I plan on meeting in the future and upper body strength is crucial to attaining that goal. I will be sharing that secret goal with y'all shortly!

    If y'all would like to join me in the May Plank Challenge, you can see the daily plank program below:
    This was shared on Facebook and I'm sharing it again here. :)

    For those of you who have not done the 30 Day Squat Challenge and want to, the daily squat program is below:

    I would just like to take a moment here and thank you for stopping by and reading my blog! I've had over 1100 views and I'm very excited! Thank you to those of you who are following my blog journey, and please share with friends and family who you feel would enjoy and benefit from my blog as well.

    Monday, April 29, 2013

    I'm a Hooper!

    Okay, well not really! I've been wanting a hula hoop for quite some time, and for my 36th birthday (yesterday!) my amazing husband and children gave me a Danskin 2.5 pound weighted fitness hoop! I was completely tickled and in a big hurry to snap this baby together and get to hoopin'!

    Ready to Hoop!
    First I want to say that I have tried many times to hoop with a regular ol' hoop you pick up in the toy section. However, no matter what I did, I could not keep the darn thing from falling to the floor. I got a whole lot more exercise squatting to pick it up then I ever did actually using it for what it was meant for!

    And guess what? I found out there is a very good reason I couldn't work the toy section hoop: It wasn't the right size. Call me ignorant, but I had no idea different sizes, let alone weights, were available.

    I had my husband measure me for the correct size hoop and found I need a 37 inch hoop. The Danskin 2.5 pound fitness hoop is 39.5 inches in diameter, I believe, so it is a little larger than ideal for me, BUT I have a whole lot more luck actually hooping instead of just picking it up! (I read in multiple places that you measure from the ground to about an inch above your belly button to get the size you need. Plus size hoopers are recommended to go with 40-42 inch hoops from what I read.)

    Keepin' It Up!
    I do want to say thank you to Shannon Herrington A Whole Lot of Hoop Love for her inspiring and fun blog and for sharing info with me on a forum I posted in. I think I have a lot to learn still! Who knew? Shannon...I watched my arms today after watching your arms video! (Oh, and I do have an non weighted hoop on that should be here within two weeks!!

    Monday, April 22, 2013

    I Officially Think of Myself As a Runner!

    Today I met one of the biggest goals I have set for myself!! I ran 3.1 miles (5K) straight through! There is an immense sense of accomplishment that comes from achieving this milestone! Even as a child, I was not much of a runner. In fact, I dreaded it! I always got those "side stickers," you know....the sharp agonizing pain that has a way of intensifying as you breath?

    This year, I decided I was going to be a runner. I get asked a lot why I run when walking is sufficient exercise and running is so much harder on the joints and has an increased risk of injury. The answer to the "Why do you run" question is simple for me: "I run because I wanted to prove to myself that I can. I run because it is freeing, and relaxing." Soon, I hope to be able to add a few more reasons I run to the list!

    You see, as I run, I have to focus on my breathing which means my "mind" is resting as much as it can. I focus on my breathing, keeping a steady pace, and on how my body feels. When I do my Zombie Runs, I focus on the story and just have a good time! When I walk, the outside world invades my thinking and I obsess over everything. Walking does not afford me the same mental peace I find when I run.

    I can not say enough how valuable the Zombies, Run Game and the Zombies 5K Training apps have been for me. Without these two amazing programs, I would not be where I am today! So to the creators of Zombies, Run...I thank you immensely for giving me the tools to become a runner for the first time in my life! If you  have never heard of these apps/programs, then I suggest you click HERE!

    I may not be a fast runner. I may not the thinnest runner. I may not be the fittest runner. But I run and that is what counts!

    My Run Stats from This Morning

    Tuesday, April 16, 2013

    Virtual 5K: Run For Boston!

    You can find them popping up all over the country: 5K's dedicated to those affected at the Boston Marathon tragedy 15 April 2013. Some of them are "actual" runs with a set place and time. Others are "virtual," giving runners (and walkers!) the flexibility of choosing the time and place that fit within a range of a few days.

    I "signed up" for a virtual run posted on Facebook by RunJunkEes, and finished my 5K run/walk this morning. A special thank you goes out to TJ from VO2 the MAX for creating the "race" bib and to RunJunkEes for "hosting" this virtual 5K and sharing the bib! (You can download and print your race bib from )

    From RunJunkEes Facebook Page

    My heart goes out to the victims, their families, and their friends for what they have to endure. My heart also breaks for the EMS, fire fighter, police, race volunteers, spectators and fellow runners as they deal with what they had to witness.

    I just want to give a big "Thank you" to the EMS, fire fighters and police who sprang into action and got things done, showing bravery during a time of fear and uncertainty. Thank you for doing your job. Thank you for being there.

    I know not everyone is a runner. I know not everyone wants to be a runner. You don't have to run 5K. You don't even have to walk a full 5K. You can go out and walk and/or run as far as you feel comfortable with. Just go for it! (And when you are done, hop on over HERE and add your miles to all those logged by fellow Boston supporters!

    3.1 Miles: Done!

    We may not be able to go back and undo the losses. We may not be able to give back what has been lost through injury. But we can stand up and say we will not be intimidated. We will not sit idle. We will get up. We will walk. We will run. And we WILL think of Boston.

    My Run/Walk Data from this morning



    Monday, April 15, 2013

    Day 105 of My New Life!

    Wow! It's hard to believe it, but today marks 105 days since something snapped in me and I got serious about getting healthy. I'm really proud that I have made it this far, and am really happy with the progress I've made! So, I thought I'd discuss a bit how I feel about my journey thus far.

    Saying things were hard when I first started watching my portion sizes, counting calories, and exercising is an understatement! It was (and still is) physically and emotionally painful! At first I was walking for a few minutes at a time and hating how I couldn't breathe and how I hurt. Now I am doing the 30 day squat challenge and  running over a mile, feeling the burn. Upper body strength training is kicking my butt. Running has become my passion. Physically, all of these things hurt but now the pain is the good kind. It's the kind of  pain that reminds me that I am living, that I am moving my body, that I am getting healthier and pushing my limits! A few months ago, the pain was intense, potassium deficiency muscle cramping, and weakness.

    I quit drinking Mountain Dew cold turkey, and had withdrawals. I gave up the sugar in my coffee and started measuring out my creamer. I started saying no to the bad foods I had become dependent on.

    These changes were not just physically painful, but emotional as well. I felt deprived, angry, sad, and just all around miserable. I cried. I yelled. I felt like quitting. I wanted to quit. I remember two weeks in I had a massive emotional breakdown when I got about 5 minutes into my walk and I sat on the back steps just bawling my eyes out. My husband sat with me and held me begging me not to quit and telling me how proud he was of me for doing what I had done so far. I did not feel better.

    Finally I got up and started walking again, crying the whole time.

    When I went inside I drank some water and disappeared into the bathroom to cry some more.

    Some days I look at myself in the mirror and see myself as I was when I started, the 36 pounds I have lost still staring back at me. I "know" I've lost the weight. I've had clothes fall off of me. My husband has been measuring me every two weeks and I see the inches lost. I just feel so much more fit and thin that it is like a slap in the face when I see pictures of myself or see myself in the mirror.

    Then there are days that I feel beautiful, healthy and more like my old self. I feel more confident and like I can do anything! I'm so proud and happy with what I have accomplished! In less than 105 days I have:
    • Dropped several clothing sizes
    • Went down a shoe size
    • Walked/ran my first 5K
    • Put my wedding ring on for the first time in years
    • Ran a mile straight through
    • Did 60 squats in a row
    • Did 2 whole "real" push ups
    • Overcame my Mountain Dew and sugar dependency
    • Actually went into a gym for the first time in over a decade
    • Started drinking regular, plain water
    • Gained more energy
    • Claimed control over food.
    I'd say that's a pretty good list of positives that have occurred in such a short amount of time! However I have down days where I feel like I'm not pushing hard enough, not accomplishing my goals fast enough, or just feel frustrated. There are days where I retain water (like this morning from to much sodium yesterday). My "time of the month" causes water retention as well. I know it happens, but it still find myself getting upset about it. When I have one of "those" days, I forget about all the great things I have accomplished.

    Weight loss is an emotional roller coaster. No one prepared me for that. No one said, "Look, there will be days when you will cry. There will be days when you will be angry. And there will be days where you will feel like you can accomplish anything." No one told me I would become so much more aware of my body, or how I look. No one told me the emotional highs and lows I would experience. No one told me I would not only have a fear of failure but also a fear of success.

    My reason for this blog post is simple: I want others to know the emotional ride is normal. The important thing is that when you feel low, you don't give up.

    You are not alone. Feeling overwhelmed, emotionally charged and/or drained, happy or's going to happen. The easy thing to do when you get hit with the first emotional wave is to quit. throw in the towel and walk away. You can't. You ARE stronger than that. I WAS and still AM stronger than that. As much as you hurt physically and emotionally you need to press on. And you need to know that the waves will continue to crash against you, sometimes they will be the gentle waves of happiness and acceptance and other times they will be angry, aggressive waves that will knock you off of your feet and attempt to drag you out to sea.
    From Google Images

    Friday, April 12, 2013

    Went Horse Back Riding for the First Time In 15 Years!

    I have been wanting to get back on a horse for many years, but have been nervous to to so. Years ago, I was injured when the horse I was riding succeeded in bucking me off. I've been around horses since but never had the confidence to get back on.

    Then my neighbor brought home a beautiful Walker and it was love at first sight. After all the times I declined riding the other horses, I was suddenly wanting to ride him. Today, I got that opportunity. If all goes well, perhaps one day I can call him mine!

    Beauty in Motion

    It's amazing. Losing weight is giving me courage, confidence, and the desire to do the things I want to do and have missed out on. I can't wait to continue and see all that is in store in the future for me, things that had I not started this journey I would never have the opportunity to experience.

    Are you missing out on things you want to do, want to experience? Weight not only holds you back physically, but mentally as well. I have spent so many years shying away from things I love due mostly to my excess weight. I'm tired of living that way! I'm tired of not living this life I have. Losing my first 34 pounds has not only lightened my physical load but my emotional load as well. I feel more free. I love this feeling and want it to continue.

    Moving out here to the country has been one of the best things that could have happened to me. I'm less stressed, much more physical and eating better. My marriage is stronger than ever and my kids get to watch their mom get healthier while they themselves are being "farm raised." My husband is an amazing man and I'm thankful for all he does for our family while serving our country.

    So if you are are sick and tired of being sick and tired, each day is a new day and a new opportunity to start living. It may be painful at first, both physically and emotionally. The important thing is to NOT QUIT! Keep pushing through so you can live the life you dream of, the life you deserve. Find your happiness...and work for it!

    Thursday, April 11, 2013

    30 Day Squat Challenge! Who's With Me?!

    My friend posted about the 30 day squat challenge on her Facebook page today and I just had to jump on board! It's free, it can be done anywhere and they can be done using just your own body weight, so no special equipment required! What could possibly be better than than you ask? Well...let's find out!

    Squats work your lower body muscles. Your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves will all benefit from squat work. Let's face it, those lower body muscles are important for daily living! Sitting down, standing up, walking, jumping, so many activities involve your lower body so it only makes sense that those muscles get an equal share in your training! Oh...and I've "heard" that squats will make your butt look fantastic! is the challenge:

    If you are not familiar with doing body weight squats, you can search youtube for instructional videos. You can also read this Fit Day Article for instructions.

    I had my husband snap a pic before embarking on my 30 Day Squat Challenge. I plan on having a photo taken on day 15 and then a final one on day 30. I'm VERY interested in seeing what, if any, changes there are. Here I go, nervously sharing my "before" pic:

    Yes, it is sideways, and for some reason it won't post the correct way!

    Whew! I'm pretty embarrassed posting that pic! But you know what? I'm making progress and I will be able to look back at this picture and think of how far I have come to get to this point, and how far I will have gone beyond it!

    With that, I will end this post and get in my 50 squats!

    Wednesday, April 10, 2013

    Push Ups and Leaving Plus Size Behind!

    Yesterday was an ah-mazing day for me!! Well, actually the ah-mazing started Sunday when I learned I had lost a whole inch from my hips in two weeks! And it just continued from there!

    Yesterday my mom took me clothes shopping. Yep...this girl, who HATES clothes shopping and the mall actually went to the mall and tried on clothes. My mom had purchased two tops for me and my husband said they looked big on me, so off we went to return the 1X shirts and try on something smaller!!

    I about cried when I slipped on a pair of size 16 carpi's and they FIT! Then, I went to the regular gal's shirts and chose three different style shirts by three different brands all in an XL and nervously headed off to the fitting room where I tried on all three shirts and found that they fit! Two AWESOME new clothes sizes in one day!!

    My best friend and me (right) my "no longer plus size" outfit! do I think I've been able to do so well on decreasing my clothing size? I feel it is a number of things. One, I'm drinking a lot of water. Two, I'm meticulous about calorie counting. And three, I am exercising.

    Two exercises my personal trainer friend recommended are KILLER and are really making a difference! So, I'm going to share them here with you!

    Scissor Kicks:
    I'm sure many of you are familiar with these. If not, you should be! Here's how to do 'em:
    1. Lay on your back on the floor, with your hands flat under you to support you lower back.
    2. Lift both legs a few inches up from the ground and point your toes.
    3. Alternating legs, lift them up and down mimicking the motion of a pair of scissors.
    Do as many as possible once or twice a day.

    Butterfly Kicks:
    1. Lay on your back on the floor, with your hands flat under you to support your lower back.
    2. Lift both legs a few inches off the ground and point your toes.
    3. Open your legs out to the sides into a "V".
    4. Bring legs back to the center and repeat.
    Do as many as possible once or twice a day.

    To change the intensity of both of these exercises, I raise my head and shoulders off the ground to better challenge my abs. If anyone needs any further clarification on those exercises, or would like photo references, leave a comment and I will gladly do so!

    Speaking of exercise brings me to the next non scale victory that I achieved yesterday! After years of not being able to do a push up, and months of only being able to do push ups on my knees, I actually was able to do TWO full push ups in a row! Now that may not seem like much to a lot of people, but for me it is an incredible accomplishment! One that needed to be celebrated and so, well...I celebrated!!

    My friend Christine and I showing off our push up skills!

    Sunday, April 7, 2013

    First Day Back in the Gym After 15 Years!

    I DID it! I slipped on my brand new work out clothes, packed my towel and water, and headed off to meet two very wonderful ladies at the gym.

    Years ago, I actually had a gym membership and worked out in the morning before work. I loved the free weights. I loved the cardio. I loved the gym. Then life happened, or more to the point, depression and I walked away from the gym and turned to very unhealthy habits. One of my biggest regrets is giving up the gym.

    We have decided that Friday evenings are going to be designated gym time for the three of us. It gives us great, healthy girl time. It's a wonderful way for us to decompress, laugh a bit, sweat, and get healthier. What better way to spend time together?

    My goal was to use the stationary bike, and I accomplished that goal! I rode for an hour at an average of 11mph. My big toes went numb, which was quite annoying but a few minutes after my session, my feeling was back and I felt accomplished!! My calorie burn (based on My Fitness Pal) was 534 calories. I got in a good sweat, and really was feeling it, so I'll take it!!

    Once I came home, I did my flutter kicks and my butterfly kicks. I'm very happy with the "feel" I get doing these! My friend, who is a personal trainer, recommended these to me. She told me to do them every single day, so I have been since she told me about them on Monday!

    I finished my evening up doing upper body strength training. Tonight's session consisted of tate presses, hammer curls, biceps curls, shoulder shrugs, dumbbell flys, and dumbbell presses. Whew! I will blog more about my strength training adventures as I have them, and hopefully soon I will be using the free weights at the gym! Goals are important, and so far I'm doing a pretty good job of meeting the ones I've been putting in place for myself!

    Thursday, April 4, 2013

    A.H.A National Walking Day: Walking For Laura


    We've all heard people say to cherish every moment you have with your loved ones. You never know when your last moment will come, when you or someone you love will take their last breath. Every day we take for granted those we love.

    On 11 September 2012, I had such a moment. My best friend who I considered a sister, died suddenly. I was, and still am, devastated by her loss. We shared many funny moments, many tears, milestones and fears. Our children were in the same class. We did everything together, and it was rare to see one of us without the other. We had a wonderful bond.

    She died of heart disease at only 36 years of age.

    Laura (left) and me at my heaviest, 248 pounds!

    Yesterday (3 April 2013) was National Walking Day, and a wonderful lady on the 3 Fat Chicks Forum shared that with me and said we should walk for Laura when I shared that one of the things that made my weight loss a necessity was the fact that Laura passed from heart disease. I am grateful for such a beautiful idea, and that complete strangers would walk for my friend, whom they never met.

    Courtesy of the Ratliff family!

    My children and I made our signs and headed to a beautiful park where we walked for Laura. It makes me smile to see that my kids acknowledge how important today was for me.
    Here am I, ready to walk for my friend!

    My children, ready to walk. :) Yes, Evie is wearing flip flops...sigh...

    Thank you to everyone who walked in her name! It really made me smile to know so many would do this! Here are a few more photos from people who honored Laura and walked in her name:

    A Friend in Colorado

    Our children's teacher, Rocio



    Sunday, March 31, 2013

    My First 5K! A Colorful and Fun Time!!

    I've been working hard at losing weight. I'm very proud of myself not only for dropping pounds, but also for improving my overall fitness level. When I started my journey the beginning of January, I was unable to walk a mile slowly without being out of breath. No really, I was suckin'! Here it is, the end of March, and I completed my very first 5K yesterday!

    How in the world did this milestone occur? I have to give a lot of credit to my awesome friend, Lauren, who contacted me asking if I would be interested in signing up to the 5K Color Run/Walk with her. The kids were also really excited so we eagerly agreed!

    Every day leading up to the 5K, I was excited and "ready." Then Friday evening, my doubts and insecurities reared their ugly heads at me. "What if I can't finish?" "What if I'm not ready?" And the biggest one: "How am I going to handle being around all those strangers?" See, I have anxiety disorder. A horrible case of it actually. I am "supposed" to be on medication for it, but I've chosen to deal with my life drug free. Anyone who knows me, knows it is a very rare thing for me to go out in public by myself. I'm prone to awful panic attacks...not a fun time for me at all.

    I do not like large groups of people I do not know. I'm uncomfortable and nervous, even with people I know at my side. Despite my anxiety building, my confidence wavering, Jose and I packed up the kids and head out to meet Lauren.

    Getting Ready to Start the Event

    The event started and Lauren, the kids and I were the last to start. (We got preoccupied playing with our packets of chalk paint and dusting each other!) We got ourselves together, and off we went! Together, we ran the first 1K straight through! We were feeling pretty awesome! The rest of the course went smoothly, and we alternated between running and walking the rest. We ran about 1/2 the course and walked 1/2 and even finished before a few other people!

    We were covered in colored chalk paint. At each 1K mark, we were sprayed with the powdered color, and at a couple of the color points I actually had my mouth open, so even my tongue was died blue! We laughed, we took pics along the way, we enjoyed the color and most of all, we finished happy and proud!

    The Kids and I After Finishing!

    Of course it is the day after the raise today, and despite showering twice since the race, my scalp is still partially died blue, and I have some greenish blue coloring in other places. Ironically, it has taken on the "healing bruise green" color!! Not very pretty, but a temporary reminder of all the fun we had yesterday.

    Our Awesome Group! Yes, even the baby went did the 5K!

    Lauren and I are already looking forward to our next 5K adventure, which will be the Zombies 5K in October. My goal? I want to run the whole 5K. And you now what? I believe by then I will totally be able to run from those Zoms!!

    Sunday, March 24, 2013

    Measurement Day: Results Thus Far

    Today was the 6th time my husband took my measurements since I started my journey. The one regret I have is that we did not measure the day I started and waited 20 days to measure the first time. It would have been cool to know where I was when I first started. (My start weight was 229 pounds and we do not have measurements from that time.)

    20 JANUARY
    30 JANUARY
    10 MARCH
    24 MARCH
    Measurements are in inches
    So far, I have lost a total of 17 inches from what was measured and after losing 23.2 pounds. I do know that I lost more than this because of the following reasons:
    • We did not measure on day one
    • I had lost 8.4 pounds before taking my first measurements
    • We have not been measuring my neck
    • I know my fingers have gotten thinner since I can now where my wedding ring again
    • I lost 1/2 a shoe size since starting
     This week I am going to start seriously strength training. I'm hoping by adding in more weight training I will see the results I am looking for. I just have to remind myself that if I seen an increase it may be do to increased muscle mass without and adequate loss of fat. I do know, based on the above chart, that I did have increases here and there before the measurements decreased again and I can only attribute that to water weight.